Women, Money & Power can help you navigate complex financial issues involved before, during and after divorce and sort through matters such as asset distribution, health care coverage, tax consequences, insurance, social security, and more. Over the years, Cathy has empowered thousands of women to take control of their money and pursue long-term financial security. Cathy’s experience as a nationally recognized retirement income-planning expert brings clarity to dealing with the financial uncertainties that can come from living on one’s own. Her consulting style is to get to know each individual client’s financial wishes and fears, and then to present an easy to understand short- or long-term plan that makes sense for them.
Learn how to take control of your assets and your future at Women, Money & Power. Take advantage of our helpful online resources and contact us at the form below to determine what is right for you and your unique situation. Women, Money & Power is here to teach you to take control of your assets and your future.
For individuals seeking CDFA assistance, Cathy works with clients with a minimum of $500,000 in assets, not including their home value.
Cathy’s initial consultation for CDFA Financial-Neutral Divorce Services is $300, which will be applied towards your account if you choose to move forward with Cathy as your personal CDFA.
Schedule a complimentary appointment to find out how you can use your divorce settlement to help generate income, build wealth, and pursue a stable retirement future. Cathy can also assist you in developing a solid plan to help pass your wealth on to future generations or favorite charities.